
Hi all

Welcome to my new blog. I started this blog due to my love for snacks and my husband who gave me the idea to open a youtube channel based snacks review. I'm not really much of a youtuber and I hate taking videos of myself. Furthermore, I know of a lot of youtube channels that are based around the ideas of snacks. So, here we are, instead of a youtube channel, we have a blog.

I personally prefer blogs anyway due to the fact that blog allows for a better way to explain and express what I'm trying to say and it's better for you so that you can get a better and more comprehensive idea of the worthiness of the snacks that I'm about to try.

In this blog I'll give the following information so that you can get an idea of wether you'd like to try them yourself or not. I will list:
- Country of origin
- Savoury/sweet
- Crunchy/soft
- Flavour: strong/mild
- Price
- Healthy/junk
- Kids approved (my by two kids)
- Overall rate

The list might change in the future as I go along. For now, however, that's what I'm going to go for.

As a way of introduction  about myself and my own flavour profile:
I'm Indonesian currently living in Sydney, Australia. I'm married to my husband and we currently (2019) have two kids, mister and missy moo. I lived in Indonesia for the first 13 years of my life before I moved to Australia. While I was there, I grew up eating A LOT of snacks. In fact, I loved snacking and sweets soo much that I remember losing all my baby teeth due to excessive intake.

In terms of my flavour profile, the best way to describe it is when I'm making dinner. Most people would make dinner based on meals they grew up with/ingredients that they have in the fridge/trying out new recipes. For me, making dinner is time consuming, confusing, hard and a struggle. Everyday, I would struggle to pick which country of origin/flavour (mild/spicy/sour/white or brown sauce)/ and method of cooking (fried/steamed/airfry/thermomix). Sometimes there are days that I regretted not making Japanese instead of the Italian dish that I've just made. Anyway, to summarise my flavour profile, I'm pretty global. I love trying out new dishes from different countries and my pantry is filled with strange spices. I'm pretty bold and daring when it comes to trying out new things.

So, you might be wondering, why am I willing to sacrifice (again) my teeth and most probably my weight, for the sake of writing this blog? Well there are a couple of reasons:
1. I love trying out strange new flavours
I'm that person who'd buy the newest and strangest flavour that has just come out in the market. If theres a Pringles that taste like Mie Goreng, I'd buy it as soon as it's released. So, I thought, since I'll be buying and eating them anyway, why not make it into something that is useful and can potentially save lives and money. 
2. My way of keeping track
This is my blog, and my "post it notes". Since I have a poor memory, I might as well document what I had so I don't make the same mistakes again.
3. I love snacking
Let's be honest. I just love snacking.

So, I hope this blog is useful for you and enjoy!
